2020 Is Here! Are You Ready to Tackle the New Decade?

Where were you 10 years ago? I was in my 20s, living on the North Side of Chicago renting an apartment with a roommate, and newly dating my now-husband.  I loved my job as a Financial Advisor, but I wouldn’t say things were really clicking and I definitely wasn’t making what I’m worth.  My finances weren’t terrible, but they weren’t the best.  Despite these setbacks, I was loving life.  Being a 20-something in a city like Chicago can be pretty great.

Where are you today? When I fast forward to 2020 I can’t believe how much has happened.  I traveled to destinations near and far, became the favorite aunt (at least in my opinion) to my nieces and nephew, earned my CIMA®and CFP®.  I also reached some big financial milestones like paying off debt (goodbye student loans!), merging my finances, and maxing out my retirement plans.  Best of all I adopted and started Merino Wealth.  What a decade!

Where will you be in 10 years?  I’ll be nearing 50 (whoa).  Merino Wealth will no longer be considered a new business, instead "new" will be replaced with words like "established" and "mature."  We’ll also join the fewer than 3% of women entrepreneurs who reach $1M in revenues. I’m also hoping to have a few sabbaticals under my belt including month long trips abroad to see the world.  I expect to be living in my "forever home" and intend to add at least one more zero to my net worth.  And I’m sure I’ll have all sorts of new family members, but I’m sure I’ll still be the favorite.  😊 

What do you plan to do with the next decade?  How will these decisions help you financially?  Will you be moving forward or standing still?  If it’s the former then let us know if we can help.  There’s no better time than the present to address your future!
