Are You Overdue for a Self Check-In?

Happy February! I’m not gonna lie, these days, we’re really busy at Merino Wealth. And when we’re busy things can get kind of stressful around the office. We have a great team, wonderful clients, and we’re doing great work. But if we’re sleep-deprived, logging in on the weekends, and overwhelmed with our workloads, things can feel a bit tense. In some cases, it’s just the simple feeling that we might not have done "XYZ" perfectly, which of course, is an unrealistic bar to set for ourselves.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed at work, I try to take a step back to focus on all of the good things that are going on. Luckily we genuinely have a lot of great things going on. When I check in with myself, I wonder whether it’s all worth it. I ask whether I still love my work. Thankfully the answer is still a resounding YES! I love the work we’re doing at Merino Wealth, and that passion helps me to reenergize me time and time again.
I’m sure there are plenty of others showing up to work every day feeling as busy and overwhelmed as we are. Unfortunately, about two-thirds of employees are "not engaged or are actively disengaged in their job," according to a 2018 Gallup survey. We see this all of the time. The reasons can vary from hating your boss to feeling underpaid, to just not feeling that "spark" or passion that you’d like in your position. Does this sound familiar? Is this you? 

And if so, have you ever asked yourself why?

I always say the more money you have, the more options you’ll give yourself, and this couldn’t be truer than when it comes to your career. Having financial stability can allow you to find the right career resources for you. For example, financial stability will enable you to go back to school, take a career break, start a business, or leave a job that isn’t giving you that "spark." As we embark on the new year and the next decade, I think it’s a great time to take a step back to check in with yourself. 

Is it all worth it? Are you not sure? You don’t need to have all of the answers today, but do yourself a favor and take the first step of assessing how your financial stability will be impacted by a change. #newyearnewyounewjob

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