Investment Strategy

Are You Overdue for a Self Check-In?

Are You Overdue for a Self Check-In?

Happy February! I’m not gonna lie, these days, we’re really busy at Merino Wealth. And when we’re busy things can get kind of stressful around the office. We have a great team, wonderful clients, and we’re doing great work. But if we’re sleep-deprived, logging in on the weekends, and overwhelmed with our workloads, things can feel a bit tense. In some cases, it’s just the simple feeling that we might not have done "XYZ" perfectly, which of course, is an unrealistic bar to set for ourselves.

When a company goes public, is that a good thing for the economy? How does that impact you?

When a company goes public, is that a good thing for the economy? How does that impact you?

Last month I presented at Pinterest’s Annual Women Inspire conference in Chicago. I’m excited to say I’ll be paying a visit to their headquarters in San Francisco this month to share even more financial education with the women on the West Coast. One cool thing about Pinterest is that they went public earlier this year. As I thought about what to say in my presentation, I realized that we’d encountered a lot of recent IPO activity.

As of September 27th, 2019, 114 companies have gone public, including Uber, Beyond Meat, Peleton, and Slack, to name a few. This is nearly double the number of companies that went public in 2009.

What’s New in 2019 with IRAs

What’s New in 2019 with IRAs

Happy New Year! Now that 2018 is over it’s time to ring in the new year with new tax law changes. So if you woke up January 1st asking what’s changed then you’ve come to the right place. One big question that I hear all year round is “How much can I put into my 401(k)?” And if you asked me in December the number would’ve been different than it is today so read on for the answer…

What’s New in 2019 with Your 401(k)

What’s New in 2019 with Your 401(k)

Happy New Year! Now that 2018 is over it’s time to ring in the new year with new tax law changes. So if you woke up January 1st asking what’s changed then you’ve come to the right place. One big question that I hear all year round is “How much can I put into my 401(k)?” And if you asked me in December the number would’ve been different than it is today so read on for the answer…

What Goes Up Must Come Down - or Does it?

What Goes Up Must Come Down - or Does it?

One little known fact about me is that that I’ve actually had first-hand experience with our last two stock market crashes. First, as a young investor during the bubble. Second, as an advisor during the 2008 financial crisis.

As we’ve reached stock market highs recently I’ve been thinking a lot about our last recession. At that time we saw a peak of the DJIA, (“the Dow” and the typical benchmark used when you hear a reference to “the market”) on October 9th, 2007 and a bottom on March 6th, 2009. By that time it had lost over 54% of its value. So if someone bought into an investment tracking the Dow on October 9th 2007 their investment would have been about half that value on March 6th, 2009.