Gender Lens Investing

#MeToo, Mansplaining, and Merino Wealth's 3rd Anniversary

#MeToo, Mansplaining, and Merino Wealth's 3rd Anniversary

April has become my favorite month. April 1st is not only April Fool’s Day, but it’s also Merino Wealth’s Anniversary. This year we turned 3! In my line of work, I often see that businesses typically hit their stride in the 3-5 years range so it feels great to be on this side of things.

A lot has happened in these past three years. “MeToo” and “Timesup” have taken on new meanings while terms like Mansplaining and The Mental Load have helped to articulate things some of us have been feeling for years. We have a record number of women serving in Congress. And let’s not forget “The Year of the Woman!”